New concepts for Remanufacturing Management with reserach project DigiPrime

Sustainability - this is not just a current trend topic but has become an obligation for all economically active players. Both from an ecological and an economic point of view. In order to remain competitive in the future, decision-makers must ask themselves right at the beginning of product development how things can and should continue at the end of the product life cycle. Renault, for example, has already taken up this challenge and is increasingly relying on concrete approaches to recycling management. RE-FACTORY: THE FLINS SITE ENTERS THE CIRCLE OF THE CIRCULAR ECONOMY - Groupe Renault

This makes sense, not least because in the future the complete lifecycle of a product must be used to calculate its ecological footprint, and not just its daily fuel consumption. In addition, it makes sense to break up the classic approach of linear value creation, which goes from the extraction of raw materials to the manufacture and use of products to scrapping or recycling, and to replace it with a circular economy concept. What does this mean? Put simply, manufacturers want to extend the life cycle of the product or individual components. This can be achieved, for example, by product developers and production managers deciding for each individual returned object which refurbishment processes are necessary or how individual parts can be reused.

In order to efficiently drive such interesting ideas forward and embed them in economic processes, the partners involved need business models that allow remanufacturing in the end-of-life process from an ecological and economic perspective. Economic incentive systems and efficient logistics processes play an important role in this context.

flexis AG has already been active for over a year in the European research project DigiPrime, in which a consortium of 36 partners is developing new concepts and services for the recycling industry. A cross-industry approach is being pursued: If parts or components can no longer be reprocessed in the original industry, the benefit may lie in another industry that can create valuable and recyclable new products with the component. For production planning, flexis is therefore also a competent partner for the development and control of value-added and logistics processes in the recycling industry.