flexis as a trigger for production 2030


Over the last two years, the MANUFUTURE-DE platform has examined the research neccessities in production technology for the year 2030. The starting points were the future challenges for the industry, such as technological and social changes, changes in global economic structures and the protection of our environment and climate.

The expert opinion of Hansjörg Tutsch, Vice President Research of flexis AG, was also used to develop a common strategic perspective on production in 2030. The knowledge and experience of the experts as well as their views on current and expected challenges made it possible to achieve comprehensive results. These were then defined as fields of action with priorities and later on concretized with research topics. On the one hand, the research agenda created in this way is intended to support industry in the targeted design of its research strategies and priorities. On the other hand, the results should serve as a point of reference for the focused design of research funding programs for the government and offer suggestions for improving the German and European innovation system.